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Wanted: Social Entrepreneur!
For our Capability Program, we are looking for an aspiring social entrepreneur. Application deadline is October 13, 2024.
Upcycling plastic in Cambodia
The team our 21st Capability Program, the team co-created Cambodia's very first industrial-sized plastic recycling facility.
Inspiring Cambodians to turn waste into money
Rithy dreamed of becoming an engineer, but life took him on a different path to study Khmer literature. He built a career in the academic...
Building trust in local Cambodian products
Saloth is an entrepreneur at heart. Growing up, and throughout her career, she became aware of the lack of opportunities available to...
Regenerating rural Slovakia
In a bid to tackle the issues that come with people leaving to the cities, Iveta, Jarmila, and Livia, three passionate purpose-driven...
A place for young adults to grow and flourish
As a rural teacher, Ladushan saw the lack of opportunities he had struggled with repeatedly in his students’ lives. With BOOKBRIDGE...
"BOOKBRIDGE provides me with a supportive community of entrepreneurs"
Engineer Kaylea Brase has developped a portable water purifier after she got sick during a stay in India helping hundreds of poor families.
“Even if you are in despair, see broadly, smile sweetly, and engage others”
Uuganaa Gantumur is one of the outstanding persons at BOOKBRIDGE.
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