With our Vision 2025, we believe in a world of purpose-driven leaders. To achieve this, we scale the impact created by our action learning programs while empowering our social enterprises to move from self-sustaining to profitability. By 2025, we aim at developing 2,000 purpose-driven leaders while creating impact with 300 social enterprises. As a result, we will impact 1,000,000 people by 2025.
What has happened so far?
In 2015, we developed our Vision 2020. At that time, we imagined to develop 784 leaders in our action learning programs while creating 43 learning centers in 5 countries. Five years later, we had reached these numbers! 776 leaders transformed through our programs, thereby creating 50 social enterprises in 10 countries. By end of 2019, the sustainability rate of these 50 social enterprises had averaged 106%. This means that on average, all our social enterprises had been able to finance their costs through revenues with a profit margin of 6%.
With 776 leaders developed and 50 social enterprises created, we have been impacting 101,935 people since 2010.
Each leader and social enterprise impacts others. Our 776 leaders impact 59,750 colleagues with purpose-driven leadership while the 50 social enterprises improve the job and life chances of 42,185 people in disadvantaged communities. In total, we have been impacting 101,935 people since 2010. This would not have been possible without the passionate support from our BOOKBRIDGE Family who saw the potential to scale our action learning programs to create impact in new countries and sectors.
Why do we need a new vision?
While learning centers formed the core of our vision in 2015, our action learning programs have developed into our main driver to create impact in the meantime. At the same time, we wanted our social enterprises to be self-sustained which had also been achieved by 2019 already. Third, our action learning programs now also run in disadvantaged communities, building up entrepreneurship and leadership skills where they are needed the most. This is why we decided in August 2019 to develop a new vision for the next five years.
Our vision is our compass. It creates identity and gives guidance to the members of our family around the world. The BOOKBRIDGE Board and Team base their action on our vision. Our vision gives us energy and creates enthusiasm for the work we are doing every day.
How do we envision 2025?
In our Vision 2025, we imagine to scale up the impact through our action learning programs. At the same time, we empower our social enterprises to move from self-sustaining to profitability. By 2025, we will have developed 2,000 purpose-driven leaders through our programs while creating tangible impact with 300 social enterprises at an average sustainability rate of 115%.
By 2025, we strive to impact one million people by developing 2,000 leaders and creating 300 social enterprises.
We do not only aim at growing in terms of number of leaders developed or social enterprises created. Instead, we also want to enlarge the impact each of these leaders creates in the organization as well as the number of job and life chances impacted through our social enterprises. This is how we envision to grow from 101,935 people in 2019 to 1,000,000 people in 2025:
We invite inspiring social entrepreneurs to scale their impact-driven business models through our action learning programs.
We select highly motivated leaders to implement our action learning programs in their respective organisations.
We keep our very personal family spirit to empower leaders and social entrepreneurs to leverage their learnings to create impact in their respective environments.
By 2025, BOOKBRIDGE resembles a tree as a living system which is primarily nurtured by our values and our vision of a world of purpose-driven leaders with our claim “do what they really are”. Everything we do builds upon our values, our Family of Bridgebuilders and our existing social enterprises. Our action learning programs are based on the concept of the Capability Program and can be categorized in customized programs, franchise programs and entrepreneurship programs. We keep branches of the tree untitled as we are open and flexible towards the unexpected.
In working towards our Vision 2025, we keep in mind the following five principles:
We focus on developing purpose-driven leaders.
We create impact through social entrepreneurship.
We base our actions on the framework of the Capability Program.
We care about what we have created and support members of our family.
We follow our values and our vision statement "do what you really are".
What does our vision mean for the Capability Program?
Through our Capability Programs, we aim at planting the seeds for more resilient societies. Our existing and new social enterprises will foster a community of responsible leaders in three fields of action:
Minds and hearts: we support individuals in overcoming their fear to become entrepreneurs.
Sustainability: we redesign our business models in a sustainable and self-sustaining way.
Community: we create the right environment where entrepreneurs can grow.
By 2025, 185 purpose-driven leaders will set-up 15 social enterprises in at least one of the three fields of action. 30 Alumni will start their own initiatives to continue the legacy. 15 social enterprises will start paying back their loans after the third year of operation. Our existing social enterprises will work towards profitability. 60% of our existing social enterprises and all our new social enterprises will create an ecosystem of micro-entrepreneurs in their communities. To achieve our vision, we need purpose-driven companies that send candidates to our Capability Programs. We need to empower our Country Teams and Entrepreneurs. Last but not least, we need Alumni who grow the vision by offering continuous support to their social enterprises and by implementing their own initiatives in their community and/or in their company.
What does our vision mean for the customized and franchise programs?
With our programs we have developed an innovative way of learning about leadership and entrepreneurship which people find valuable and transformational. In the future, we would like to increase our impact with the franchised and customized programs as two additional options for organisations to engage with us.
By 2025, we would like to see “inspired by BOOKBRIDGE” in 10 organisations or programs around the world which have used our approach to support entrepreneurs with a social and environmental impact in different sectors. Also, we run 10 customized programs per year in at least 5 organisations that consider us a strategic partner in talent development. To achieve our vision, we need to recruit purpose-driven leaders that wish to engage further than the program, and enable a collaborative atmosphere where we grow together with our partners.
What does our vision mean for our team in Mongolia?
Following our vision of "empowered and skilled communities in Mongolia", we would like to keep supporting local entrepreneurs in setting up their social enterprises with the Capability Program. In addition, we continue to uphold our existing social enterprises to develop the quality, impact and profitability of their offerings. Having driven our network of existing social enterprises, we would like to attract and apply for projects in areas such as education, life skills and possibly women empowerment with the aim of creating impact and also generating income for our NGO. By 2025, we will have set up 5 new social enterprises and developed 5 social entrepreneurs in Mongolia. In terms of quality in offerings, at least 5 learning centers would run activities within the framework of project-based learning. The challenge for our NGO would be attracting and running additional projects as we are envisioning to run two projects locally until 2025. Thus, we would like to have the support from the businesses and leadership coaches for us as country team.
What does our vision mean for our team in Cambodia?
Envisioning “a collaborative platform that empowers [social] entrepreneurs to create impactful businesses in their communities”, by 2025, we aim at establishing 6 new social enterprises through the implementation of 6 Capability Programs with 6 new social entrepreneurs who work in sectors other than education, training 156 local entrepreneurs through our Local Excellence Acquisition Program (LEAP) with 60% of them establishing their social enterprises and getting the existing social enterprises developed toward profitability.
To achieve this vision, the country team needs the following support:
Run one Capability Program per year
Connect the country organisation team to networks of social investors who are interested in supporting start-ups in the country
Build capacity of the existing social entrepreneurs in the country
What does our vision mean for our team in Sri Lanka?
Envisioning “a Sri Lanka in which many young adults choose Entrepreneurship as their Profession and run sustainable social enterprises”, BOOKBRIDGE Sri Lanka aims to assist and establish many social enterprises in the country. We would like to establish at least 5 social enterprises with the Capability Program. We use our Startup Business Program to identify qualifying social entrepreneurs for the Capability Program. The Startup Business Program is designed to support small and medium businesses and startups to turn their business ideas to reality. The program is based on the concept of the Capability Program and allows BOOKBRIDGE Sri Lanka to create impact and generate income. We recognize the achievement by establishing 5 social enterprises with the Capability Program and create at least 75 job opportunities by training 120 entrepreneurs in 10 Startup Business Programs. Using our existing social enterprises which are educational businesses, we would invite entrepreneurs to participate in the program. Thus, these startup programs enhance the revenue of the education business. 17 Entrepreneurs successfully completed the pilot startup program by which the existing social businesses could generate 250 Euros per program. To attain the vision, we request
international and local learning partners for our entrepreneurs
potential investors for the pitching sessions in our Startup Business Program
What are our next steps?
The first draft was made by the BOOKBRIDGE Team and Board as a basis for discussion and feedback. It was presented at the Virtual Summit in May and November 2020. The feedbacks have been incorporated and the BOOKBRIDGE Team is working on implementing the vision in their respective areas of responsibility in the meantime.